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Как создать, протокол собрания на английском языке образец?​

Sure, here's a detailed sample of a meeting minutes protocol in English:

Meeting Minutes

September 6, 2024

Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Location: Conference Room B, XYZ Corporation


  1. John Smith, CEO
  2. Sarah Johnson, CFO
  3. Michael Brown, VP of Marketing
  4. Emily Davis, VP of Sales
  5. Laura Wilson, Project Manager
  6. Robert Lee, IT Specialist

  1. Jessica Turner, Head of HR (on leave)

  1. Welcome and Opening Remarks
  2. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes
  3. Financial Report
  4. Marketing Strategy Update
  5. Sales Performance Overview
  6. IT System Upgrades
  7. Project Status Reports
  8. Any Other Business
  9. Next Meeting Schedule
  10. Adjournment
1. Welcome and Opening Remarks

  • John Smith called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM and welcomed all attendees. He highlighted the importance of discussing the upcoming projects and strategic goals.
2. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes

  • The minutes from the meeting held on August 22, 2024, were reviewed and approved with no amendments. A motion to approve was made by Sarah Johnson and seconded by Michael Brown.
3. Financial Report

  • Sarah Johnson presented the financial report for Q3 2024. Key points included:
    • Revenue increased by 12% compared to Q2.
    • Operational costs rose by 8% due to increased material costs.
    • Profit margins remained stable at 15%.
    • Forecasts for Q4 suggest continued growth in revenue.
  • Action Item: Sarah Johnson to prepare a detailed budget analysis for the next quarter and distribute it by September 15, 2024.
4. Marketing Strategy Update

  • Michael Brown provided an update on the marketing strategy:
    • The new digital marketing campaign launched last week is showing promising initial results.
    • Social media engagement has increased by 25%.
    • Plans to roll out a new product line next month are on track.
  • Action Item: Michael Brown to finalize the promotional materials and schedule a review meeting for September 20, 2024.
5. Sales Performance Overview

  • Emily Davis shared the sales performance metrics for August:
    • Sales increased by 10% compared to July.
    • Top-performing regions included the Northeast and the Midwest.
    • Notable improvement in customer retention rates.
  • Action Item: Emily Davis to investigate the potential for expanding sales efforts in the underperforming regions and report findings by September 30, 2024.
6. IT System Upgrades

  • Robert Lee updated the team on IT system upgrades:
    • The new CRM system implementation is progressing smoothly.
    • An upgrade to the company’s cybersecurity measures is scheduled for next week.
  • Action Item: Robert Lee to prepare a comprehensive IT system upgrade report and present it at the next meeting.
7. Project Status Reports

  • Laura Wilson provided status reports on ongoing projects:
    • The development of the new software application is on schedule.
    • The marketing automation project is slightly delayed due to vendor issues.
  • Action Item: Laura Wilson to address vendor issues and provide a revised project timeline by September 12, 2024.
8. Any Other Business

  • John Smith announced an upcoming team-building event scheduled for October 5, 2024.
  • A discussion was held regarding the need for additional resources for the new product launch.
9. Next Meeting Schedule

  • The next meeting is scheduled for October 10, 2024, at 10:00 AM in Conference Room B.
10. Adjournment

  • The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM. A motion to adjourn was made by Sarah Johnson and seconded by Michael Brown.
Minutes Prepared by:

Laura Wilson, Project Manager

Date: September 6, 2024

Approved by:

John Smith, CEO

Date of Approval: September 7, 2024

Feel free to adjust any sections or details according to your specific needs.


